
Alessandro Cozzi, new president of the ECAWBM

Alessandro Cozzi, our Chief Executive Officer, became a few days ago the President of the European College of Behavioral Medicine and Animal Welfare..

Surrounded and assisted by the other members of the European College, Alessandro Cozzi will be able to drive ideas and evolution in the two disciplines that represent the College's subspecialties: behavioral medicine, and animal welfare ethics and legislation.

IRSEA is the only institution in Europe that has dual accreditation for both subspecialties: that is to say that we can welcome in a "Standard Residency" course both residents wishing to specialize in Behavioral Medicine, but also in Animal Welfare, Ethics and Legislation.

Other institutions in France, Italy, Spain and England are also accredited to receive residents and train future veterinary specialists in Behavioural Medicine (BM).

Concerning the specialty Animal welfare Science, Ethics and Law (AWSEL), only two institutions in Europe have this accreditation for the moment, both of them being in France! They are our institute IRSEA, since 2017, but also the higher education and research institution VetAgro Sup in the Lyon region since 2019. An opportunity to exchange and cooperate on several topics!


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